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Displaying records 1–17 of 17 for your search terms: Genus: diploschistes
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Graphidaceae Dumort.
Comment.Bot. 69,78 (1822)
Diploschistes Norman
Nytt Mag.Naturvidensk. 7:232 (1853)
Diploschistes actinostomus (Ach.) Zahlbr.
Hedwigia 31: 34 (1892)
Diploschistes aeneus (Müll.Arg.) Lumbsch
J.Hattori Bot.Lab. 66:158 (1989)
Diploschistes almbornii C.W.Dodge
Beih.Nova Hedwigia 12: 106 (1964)
Diploschistes conceptionis Vain.
Hedwigia 38:289 (1899)
Diploschistes diploschistoides (Vain.) Salisb.
Lichenologist 5:273 (1972)
Diploschistes elixii Lumbsch & Mangold
Lichenologist 39(5):459-461, Fig.1 (2007)
Diploschistes euganeus (A.Massal.) J.Steiner
Verh.Zool.-Bot.Ges.Wien 69: 96 (1919)
Diploschistes gypsaceus (Ach.) Zahlbr.
Hedwigia 31:35 (1892)
Diploschistes hensseniae Lumbsch & Elix
Pl.Syst.Evol. 150: 276 (1987)
Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R.Sant.
Lichenologist 12:106 (1980)
Diploschistes muscorum subsp. bartlettii Lumbsch
Herzogia 7: 602 (1987)
Diploschistes ocellatus (Vill.) Norman
Nytt Mag.Naturvidensk. 7: 232 (1853)
Diploschistes scruposus (Schreb.) Norman
Nytt Mag.Naturvidensk. 7: 232 (1853)
Diploschistes sticticus (Körb.) Müll.Arg.
Bull.Herb.Boissier 1:52 (1894)
Diploschistes strictus (Körb.) Müll.Arg.
Bull.Herb.Boissier 2, Append. 1:52 (1894)
Diploschistes thunbergianus Lumbsch & Vezda
Nova Hedwigia 56: 234 (1993)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.