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Displaying records 1–10 of 10 for your search terms: Genus: rytidosperma
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Poaceae Barnhart
Bull.Torrey Bot.Club 22:7 (1895)
Rytidosperma Steud.
Syn.Pl.Glumac. 1:425 (1854)
Rytidosperma acerosum (Vickery) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand J.Bot. 17:331 (1979)
Rytidosperma caespitosum (Gaudich.) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand J.Bot. 17:325 (1979)
Rytidosperma occidentale (Vickery) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand J.Bot. 17:332 (1979)
Rytidosperma pilosum (R.Br.) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand J.Bot. 17:326 (1979)
Rytidosperma racemosum (R.Br.) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand J.Bot. 17:327 (1979)
Rytidosperma racemosum (R.Br.) Connor & Edgar var. racemosum
Rytidosperma robertsoniae Tiver
Swainsona 33:36-40, Fig. 3 (2020)
Rytidosperma setaceum (R.Br.) Connor & Edgar
New Zealand J.Bot. 17:332 (1979)
Rytidosperma sp. Goomalling (A.G. Gunness et al. OAKP 10/63)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.