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Browse the Western Australian Flora

Browse the complete list of WA’s families of plants, fungi, algae and protists. Icons to the right indicate additional content available, and the navigation element to the left of each name will expand the family listing to include its component genera. The same functions are then available for the genera in order to display all WA species for that group.

Poaceae Barnhart
Bull.Torrey Bot.Club 22:7 (1895)
Acrachne Chiov.
Annuario Reale Ist.Bot.Roma 361 (1907)
Agropyron Gaertn.
Novi Comment.Acad.Sci.Imp.Petrop. 14(1):539 (1770)
Agrostis L.
Sp.Pl. 1:61 (1753)
Aira L.
Sp.Pl. 1:63 (1753)
Alloteropsis C.Presl
Reliq.Haenk. 343, t. 47 (1828)
Alopecurus L.
Sp.Pl. 1:60 (1753)
Ammophila Host
Icon.Descr.Gram.Austriac. 4:24, Tab.41 (1809)
Amphibromus Nees
London J.Bot. 2:420 (1843)
Amphipogon R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 175 (1810)
Andropogon L.
Sp.Pl. 2:1045 (1753)
Anthosachne Steud.
Syn.Pl.Glumac. 1:237 (1854)
Anthoxanthum L.
Sp.Pl. 1:28 (1753)
Aristida L.
Sp.Pl. 2:82 (1753)
Arrhenatherum P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 55 (1812)
Arundinella Raddi
Agrostogr.Bras. 37, t. I, fig. 3 (1823)
Arundo L.
Sp.Pl. 2:81 (1753)
Astrebla F.Muell.
Fl.Austral 7:602 (1878)
Austrodanthonia H.P.Linder
Telopea 7:269 (1997)
Austrofestuca (Tzvelev) E.B.Alexeev
Byull.Moskovsk.Obshch.Isp.Prir.,Otd.Biol. 81(5):55 (1976)
Austrostipa S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Telopea 6(4):582 (1996)
Avellinia Parl.
Pl.Nov. 59 (1842)
Avena L.
Sp.Pl. 1:79 (1753)
Axonopus P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 12, 154 (1812)
Bothriochloa Kuntze
Revis.Gen.Pl. 2:762 (1891)
Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb.
Fl.Ross.(Ledeb.) 4:469 (1853)
Brachyachne (Benth.) Stapf
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 31:Tab. 3099 (1922)
Brachypodium P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 100, 155 (1812)
Briza L.
Sp.Pl. 1:70 (1753)
Bromus L.
Sp.Pl. 1:76 (1753)
Capillipedium Stapf
Fl.Trop.Afr. [Oliver et al.] 9:11, 169. (1918)
Catapodium Link
Hort.Berol. 1:44,380 (1827)
Cenchrus L.
Sp.Pl. 2:1049 (1753)
Chionachne R.Br.
Pl.Jav.Rar. 15, 18 (1844)
Chloris Sw.
Prodr. p25 (1788)
Chrysopogon Trin.
Fund.Agrost. 187 (1820)
Coelorhachis Endl.
Gen.Pl. 1:105 (1838)
Coix L.
Sp.Pl. 2:972 (1753)
Cortaderia Stapf
Gard.Chron. ser. 3, 22 (1897)
Corynephorus P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 90,159 (1812)
Critesion Raf.
J.Phys.Chim.Hist.Nat.Arts 103 (1819)
Crypsis Aiton
Hort.Kew. 1:48 (1789)
Cymbopogon Spreng.
Pl.Min.Cogn.Pug. p14 (1815)
Cynodon Rich.
Syn.Pl. p85 (1805)
Cynosurus L.
Sp.Pl. 1:72 (1753)
Cyperochloa Lazarides & L.Watson
Brunonia p216 (1987)
Dactylis L.
Sp.Pl. 1:71 (1753)
Dactyloctenium Willd.
Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Regii Botanici Berolinensis p1029 (1809)
Danthonia DC.
Fl.Franç. 3:32 (1805)
Desmazeria Dumort.
Comment.Bot. 26 (1822)
Deyeuxia P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 43, Tab.9, Fig.9,10 (1812)
Dichanthium P.Willemet
Ann.Bot. (Usteri) 18:11 (1796)
Dichelachne Endl.
Prodr.Fl.Norfolk 20 (1833)
Digitaria Haller
Hist.Stirp.Helv. p244 (1768)
Dimeria R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 204 (1810)
Dinebra Jacq.
Fragm.Bot. 77, Tab. 121, Fig. 1 (1809)
Diplachne P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 80, Tab.xvi. (1812)
Diplopogon R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 176 (1810)
Distichlis Raf.
J.Phys.Chim.Hist.Nat.Arts p104 (1819)
Echinochloa P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p53, (1812)
Echinopogon P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 42, Tab.9, Fig.5 (1812)
Ectrosia R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 185 (1810)
Ehrharta Thunb.
Kongl.Vetensk.Acad.Handl. 40:216 (1779)
Eleusine Gaertn.
Fruct.Sem.Pl. p7, t. I. (1788)
Elionurus Willd.
Sp.Pl. Ed.4,4:941 (1806)
Elymus L.
Sp.Pl. 1:83 (1753)
Elytrigia Desv.
Nouv.Bull.Sci.Soc.Philom.Paris 2:190 (1810)
Elytrophorus P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p67, (1812)
Enneapogon P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p81, 161. (1812)
Enteropogon Nees
Nat.Syst.Bot. 448 (1836)
Eragrostis Wolf
Gen.Pl. 23 (1776)
Eriachne R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 183 (1810)
Eriochloa Kunth
Nov.Gen.Sp. p94 (1816)
Eulalia Kunth
Révis.Gramin. p160 (1829)
Eustachys Desv.
Nouv.Bull.Sci.Soc.Philom.Paris p188 (1810)
Festuca L.
Sp.Pl. 1:73 (1753)
Gastridium P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 21,Tab.6,Fig.6 (1812)
Germainia Balansa & Poitr.
Bull.Soc.Hist.Nat.Toulouse 7:344 (1873)
Glyceria R.Br.
Prodr. 179 (1810)
Hackelochloa Kuntze
Revis.Gen.Pl. 2:776 (1891)
Hainardia Greuter
Boissiera 13:178 (1967)
Helictotrichon Besser
Syst.Veg. 526 (1827)
Hemarthria R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 207 (1810)
Heterachne Benth.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 13:40, Tab. 1250 (1877)
Heteropholis C.E.Hubb.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 36, Tab. 3548 (1956)
Heteropogon Pers.
Syn.Pl. 2:533 (1806)
Holcus L.
Sp.Pl. 2:1047 (1753)
Homopholis C.E.Hubb.
Bull.Misc.Inform.Kew 126 (1932)
Hordeum L.
Sp.Pl. 1:84 (1753)
Hygrochloa Lazarides
Brunonia p68 (1979)
Hyparrhenia E.Fourn.
Mexic.Pl. p51, 67. (1886)
Imperata Cirillo
Pl.Rar.Neapol. p26, t. 11. (1792)
Isachne R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 196 (1810)
Ischaemum L.
Sp.Pl. 2:1049 (1753)
Iseilema Andersson
Nova Acta Regiae Soc.Sci.Upsal. p250 (1856)
Joycea H.P.Linder
Telopea 6:611 (1996)
Koeleria Pers.
Syn.Pl. 1:97 (1805)
Lachnagrostis Trin.
Fund.Agrost. 128 (1820)
Lagurus L.
Sp.Pl. 1:81 (1753)
Lamarckia Moench
Methodus 201 (1794)
Lasiochloa Kunth
Révis.Gramin. 556 (1832)
Leersia Sw.
Prodr. [O.P. Swartz] 21 (1788)
Leptochloa P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 71:Tab.15, Fig.1 (1812)
Lepturus R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 207 (1810)
Lolium L.
Sp.Pl. 1:83 (1753)
Lophochloa Rchb.
Fl.Germ.Excurs. 42 (1830)
Megathyrsus (Pilg.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs
Austrobaileya 6:572 (2003)
Melinis P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 54,Tab.11,Fig.4 (1812)
Mibora Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:495 (1763)
Micraira F.Muell.
Fragm. 5:208 (1865)
Microlaena R.Br.
Prodr. 210 (1810)
Miscanthus Andersson
Öfvers.Kongl.Vetensk.-Akad.Förh. 165 (1855)
Mnesithea Kunth
Révis.Gramin. 1:153 (1829)
Molineriella Rouy
Fl.France 14:102 (1913)
Monachather Steud.
Syn.Pl.Glumac. p247 (1854)
Monodia S.W.L.Jacobs
Kew Bull. 40:659 (1985)
Neurachne R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 196 (1810)
Neuropoa Clayton
Kew Bull. 40:728 (1985)
Notodanthonia Zotov
New Zealand J.Bot. 1:104, 122 (1963)
Oloptum Röser & Hamasha
Pl.Syst.Evol. 298:365 (2012)
Ophiuros C.F.Gaertn.
Fruct.Sem.Pl. p3, t. 181, fig. 3. (1791)
Oplismenus P.Beauv.
Fl.Oware 2:14 (1810)
Oryza L.
Sp.Pl. 1:333 (1753)
Oryzopsis Michx.
Fl.Bor.-Amer. 1:51, Tab.9 (1803)
Oxychloris Lazarides
Nuytsia 5(1):283 (1984)
Panicum L.
Sp.Pl. 2:55 (1753)
Paractaenum P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p47, 171, (1812)
Paraneurachne S.T.Blake
Contr.Queensland Herb. 13:20, figs 4, 9. (1972)
Parapholis C.E.Hubb.
Blumea, Suppl. 3:14 (1946)
Paspalidium Stapf
Fl.Trop.Afr. [Oliver et al.] 9:15, 582. (1918)
Paspalum L.
Syst.Nat. p1359 (1759)
Pennisetum Pers.
Sp.Pl. 1:72 (1805)
Pentameris P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 92:Tab.18, Fig.13 (1812)
Pentapogon R.Br.
Prodr. 173 (1810)
Pentaschistis (Nees) Spach
Hist.Nat.Vég. p164 (1841)
Periballia Trin.
Fund.Agrost. 133 (1820)
Perotis Aiton
Hort.Kew. p506 (1781)
Phalaris L.
Sp.Pl. 1:54 (1753)
Pheidochloa S.T.Blake
Proc.Roy.Soc.Queensland 56:20, t. II. (1944)
Phleum L.
Sp.Pl. 1:59 (1753)
Phragmites Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:34 (1763)
Phyllostachys Siebold & Zucc.
Abh.Math.-Phys.Cl.Königl.Bayer.Akad.Wiss. 3:745, Tab.5,Fig.3 (1843)
Piptatherum P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. 17:173 (1812)
Plagiochloa Adamson & Sprague
J.S.African Bot. 7:89 (1941)
Plagiosetum Benth.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 13:33 (1877)
Plectrachne Henrard
Vierteljahrsschr.Naturf.Ges.Zürich 74:132 (1929)
Poa L.
Sp.Pl. 1:67 (1753)
Polypogon Desf.
Fl.Atlant. 1:66 (1798)
Polytoca R.Br.
Pl.Jav.Rar. 20 (1838)
Psammagrostis C.A.Gardner & C.E.Hubb.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 34: Tab. 3361 (1938)
Pseudochaetochloa Hitchc.
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 14 p492 (1924)
Pseudopogonatherum A.Camus
Ann.Soc.Linn.Lyon p204 (1922)
Pseudoraphis Griff.
Not.Pl.Asiat. p29 (1851)
Puccinellia Parl.
Fl.Ital. 1:366 (1850)
Rhynchelytrum Nees
Nat.Syst.Bot. 2:446 (1836)
Rostraria Trin.
Fund.Agrost. 149 (1820)
Rottboellia L.f.
Suppl.Pl. 13:114 (1782)
Rytidosperma Steud.
Syn.Pl.Glumac. 1:425 (1854)
Sacciolepis Nash
Man.Fl.N.States p89 (1901)
Schismus P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p73, 177, t. 15, fig. 4. (1812)
Schizachyrium Nees
Agrostologia Brasiliensis p331 (1829)
Sclerandrium Stapf & C.E.Hubb.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 33:Tab.3262 (1935)
Scleropoa Griseb.
Spic.Fl.Rumel. 2:431 (1844)
Secale L.
Sp.Pl. 1:84 (1753)
Sehima Forssk.
Fl.Aegypt.-Arab. p178 (1775)
Serrafalcus Parl.
Rar.Pl.Sic. 2:14 (1840)
Setaria P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p51, 178. (1812)
Sorghastrum Nash
Man.Fl.N.States p71 (1901)
Sorghum Moench
Methodus p207 (1794)
Spartochloa C.E.Hubb.
Kew Bull. 7:308 (1952)
Spathia Ewart
Fl.N.Territory 26 (1917)
Spinifex L.
Mant.Pl. p163, 300. (1771)
Sporobolus R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 169 (1810)
Stenotaphrum Trin.
Fund.Agrost. p175 (1820)
Stipa L.
Sp.Pl. 2:78 (1753)
Symplectrodia Lazarides
Nuytsia 5:273 (1984)
Tetrarrhena R.Br.
Prodr. 209 (1810)
Thaumastochloa C.E.Hubb.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 4(1):t. 3313, 3314. (1936)
Thedachloa S.W.L.Jacobs
Telopea 10:635-637 (2004)
Themeda Forssk.
Fl.Aegypt.-Arab. p178 (1775)
Thinopyrum Á.Löve
Taxon 29:351 (1980)
Thonandia H.P.Linder
Telopea 6:612 (1996)
Thyridolepis S.T.Blake
Contr.Queensland Herb. 13:25 (1972)
Trachynia Link
Hort.Berol. p42 (1827)
Tragus Haller
Hist.Stirp.Helv. p203 (1768)
Tribolium Desv.
Opusc.Sci.Phys.Nat. 64 (1831)
Triodia R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 182 (1810)
Tripogon Roem. & Schult.
Syst.Veg. Ed. 16, 2:34, 600 (1817)
Tripogonella P.M.Peterson & Romasch.
Taxon 65:1278 (2016)
Triraphis R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 185 (1810)
Trisetaria Forssk.
Fl.Aegypt.-Arab. 27 (1775)
Trisetum Pers.
Syn.Pl. 1:97 (1805)
Triticum L.
Sp.Pl. 1:85 (1753)
Urochloa P.Beauv.
Ess.Agrostogr. p52, t. 11, fig. 1. (1812)
Vetiveria Bory
Bull.Sci.Soc.Philom.Paris 1822:43 (1822)
Vulpia C.C.Gmel.
Fl.Bad. 1:8 (1805)
Walwhalleya Wills & J.J.Bruhl
Austral.Syst.Bot. 19:327 (2006)
Whiteochloa C.E.Hubb.
Proc.Roy.Soc.Queensland 62:111 (1952)
Xerochloa R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 196 (1810)
Yakirra Lazarides & R.D.Webster
Brunonia 7:292 (1984)
Zea L.
Sp.Pl. 2:971 (1753)
Zygochloa S.T.Blake
Pap.Dept.Biol.Univ.Queensland. 19:7 (1941)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.