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Displaying records 41–60 of 101 for your search terms: Genus: tephrosia
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Fabaceae Lindl.
Intr.Nat.Syst.Bot. Ed.2:148 (1836)
Tephrosia Pers.
Syn.Pl. 1:328 (1806)
Tephrosia procera Cowie
Nuytsia 15:180-181 (2004)
Tephrosia pubescens Ewart & Morrison
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
Widji Syn.Pl. 2:330 (1807)
Tephrosia remotiflora Benth.
Fl.Austral. 2:209 (1864)
Tephrosia rosea Benth.
Flinders River Poison Fl.Austral. 2:211 (1864)
Tephrosia rosea var. clementii Domin
Biblioth.Bot. 89:201 (1926)
Tephrosia rosea var. Fortescue creeks (M.I.H. Brooker 2186)
Tephrosia rosea var. glabrior Pedley ms
Tephrosia rosea var. Napier Range (C.R. Dunlop 7760 & B.K. Simon)
Tephrosia rosea var. Port Hedland (A.S. George 1114)
Tephrosia rosea Benth. var. rosea
Tephrosia rosea var. venulosa Pedley ms
Tephrosia sabulosa R.Butcher
Nuytsia 32:113-118, Fig. 2 (2021)
Tephrosia savannicola Domin
Biblioth.Bot. 89:192 (1926)
Tephrosia simplicifolia Benth.
Fl.Austral. 2:206 (1864)
Tephrosia sp. A Kimberley Flora (A.S. George 13462)
Tephrosia sp. B Kimberley Flora (C.A. Gardner 7300)
Tephrosia sp. Bungaroo Creek (M.E. Trudgen 11601)
Tephrosia sp. C Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 5599)
Tephrosia sp. Carnarvon (J.H. Ross 2681)

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