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Displaying records 1–20 of 305 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 3:
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Amanitaceae Pouzar
Ceska Mykol. 37:173 (1983)
Amanita Pers.
Tent.Disp.Meth.Fung. 65 (1797)
Amanita lesueurii E.M.Davison
Nuytsia 23:591-595, Figs 1,2 (2013)
Amanita wadjukiorum E.M.Davison
Nuytsia 23:595,597-600, Figs 3,4 (2013)
Amaranthaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. 87-88 (1789)
Ptilotus R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 415 (1810)
Ptilotus aphyllus Benl
Nuytsia 3:161-165 (1980)
Ptilotus divaricatus var. rubescens Benl
Nuytsia 3:169, Fig.8 (1980)
Ptilotus drummondii var. elongatus Benl
Nuytsia 3:171,Fig.9 (1980)
Ptilotus marduguru Benl
Nuytsia 3:157-161 (1980)
Ptilotus stipitatus Benl
Nuytsia 3:165-169 (1980)
Apiaceae Lindl.
Intr.Nat.Syst.Bot. Ed. 2, 21 (1836)
Actinotus Labill.
Nov.Holl.Pl. 1:67, t. 92 (1805)
Actinotus laxus Keighery
Nuytsia 13:23-24,Fig.1 (1999)
Actinotus whicheranus Keighery
Nuytsia 13:24-27, Fig. 2 (1999)
Araceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 23 (1789)
Typhonium Schott
Wiener Z.Kunst p 732 (1829)
Typhonium peltandroides A.Hay, M.D.Barrett & R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 13:243-245, Fig. 1 (1999)
Araliaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 217 (1789)
Trachymene Rudge
Trans.Linn.Soc.London 10:300, Tab.21 (1811)
Trachymene anisocarpa var. trichocarpa Rye
Nuytsia 13:206-207,Fig.4E (1999)
Trachymene ceratocarpa (W.Fitzg.) Keighery & Rye
Nuytsia 13:42 (1999)
Trachymene coerulea subsp. leucopetala (Benth.) Rye
Nuytsia 13:211 (1999)
Trachymene grandis (Turcz.) Rye
Nuytsia 13:216 (1999)
Trachymene oleracea subsp. sedimenta Rye
Nuytsia 13:219-221, Fig. 7A-D (1999)
Trachymene oleracea subsp. sedimentum Rye
Nuytsia 13:219-221, Fig. 7A-D (1999)
Trachymene pilbarensis Rye
Nuytsia 13:221-222,Figs5B-E (1999)
Trachymene pyrophila Rye
Nuytsia 13:223-224,Figs4F-J (1999)
Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Prir.Rostlin 254 (1820)
Apowollastonia Orchard
Nuytsia 23:406-408 (2013)
Apowollastonia cylindrica Orchard
Yellow Daisy Nuytsia 23:428-430,Fig.28 (2013)

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