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Displaying records 161–180 of 233
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Amaranthaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. 87-88 (1789)
Ptilotus R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 415 (1810)
Ptilotus pyramidatus (Moq.) F.Muell.
Fragm. (Mueller) 6:230 (1868)
Ptilotus rigidus Lally
Nuytsia 19:57-59, Fig. 3 (2009)
Ptilotus roei (Benth.) F.Muell.
Fragm. (Mueller) 8:232-233 (1874)
Ptilotus rotundifolius (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
Royal Mulla Mulla Fragm. (Mueller) 6:230 (1868)
Ptilotus royceanus Benl
J.Roy.Soc.Western Australia 53:1-4, Figs 1, 2 (1970)
Ptilotus schwartzii (F.Muell.) Tate
Trans.& Proc.Roy.Soc.South Australia 12:82 (1889)
Ptilotus schwartzii forma elongatus Benl
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 7:318 (1970)
Ptilotus schwartzii var. georgei (Diels) Benl
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 5:563 (1965)
Ptilotus schwartzii (F.Muell.) Tate forma schwartzii
Ptilotus schwartzii Tate var. schwartzii
Ptilotus seminudus (J.M.Black) J.M.Black
Rabbit Tails Fl.S.Austral. edn. 2, 328 (1948)
Ptilotus sericostachyus (Nees) F.Muell.
Fragm. (Mueller) 6:230 (1868)
Ptilotus sericostachyus forma floribundas (Mog.) Benl
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 5:567 (1965)
Ptilotus sericostachyus subsp. roseus (Moq.) Benl
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 5:564 (1965)
Ptilotus sericostachyus (Nees) F.Muell. forma sericostachyus
Ptilotus sericostachyus (Nees) F.Muell. subsp. sericostachyus
Ptilotus sessilifolius (Lindl.) Benl
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 29: 500 (1990)
Ptilotus sessilifolius var. elderi (Farmar) Benl
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 29: 501 (1990)
Ptilotus sessilifolius (Lindl.) Benl var. sessilifolius
Ptilotus sp. Beaufort River (G.J. Keighery 16554)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.