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Displaying records 781–800 of 1399
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Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Prir.Rostlin 254 (1820)
Minuria DC.
Prodr. 5:298 (1836)
Minuria gardneri Lander & R.Barry
Nuytsia 3:230 (1980)
Minuria integerrima (DC.) Benth.
Smooth Minuria Fl.Austral. 3:499 (1867)
Minuria leptophylla DC.
Minnie Daisy Prodr. 5:298 (1836)
Minuria macrocephala Lander & R.Barry
Nuytsia 3:234 (1980)
Minuria macrorhiza (DC.) Lander
Nuytsia 6:64 (1987)
Minuria multiseta P.S.Short
Muelleria 7: 361-367 (1991)
Minuria sp. Little Sandy Desert (S. van Leeuwen 4919)
Minuria tridens (D.A.Cooke) Lander
Nuytsia 6:64 (1987)
Monoculus B.Nord.
Compositae Newslett. 44:39 (2006)
Monoculus monstrosus (Burm.f.) B.Nord.
Compositae Newslett. 44:39 (2006)
Myriocephalus Benth.
Enum.Pl. p61 (1837)
Myriocephalus appendiculatus Benth.
White-tip Myriocephalus Enum.Pl. 61 (1837)
Myriocephalus biflorus Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 14:439 (2002)
Myriocephalus gascoynensis P.S.Short
Austral.Syst.Bot. 13:730-731,Fig.1b,c (2000)
Myriocephalus gracilis (A.Gray) Benth.
Slender Myriocephalus Fl.Austral. 3:559 (1867)
Myriocephalus guerinae F.Muell.
Fragm. 8:169 (1874)
Myriocephalus gueriniae F.Muell.
Fragm. 8:169 (1874)
Myriocephalus helichrysoides A.Gray
Hooker's J.Bot.Kew Gard.Misc. 3:175 (1851)
Myriocephalus isoetes Diels
Isoetes-like Woolly-heads Bot.Jahrb.Syst. 35:609-610 (1905)
Myriocephalus morrisonianus Diels
Bot.Jahrb.Syst. 35:610 (1904)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.