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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–12 of 12.

Tephrosia oxalidea (Fabaceae: Millettieae), a new species from the Pilbara and Gascoyne bioregions of Western Australia

BUTCHER, R. AND HURTER, P.J.H., Nuytsia 22 (6): 341–349 (2012)

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The Australian species of Tephrosia Pers. (Fabaceae: Millettieae) have not been revised in full since Bentham’s Flora Australiensis, although considerable work towards this goal has been performed at the herbaria of the Northern Territory (DNA) and Queensland (BRI) to date. Taxonomic work is now underway on the Tephrosia of Western Australia, with Western Australia’s plant census currently recording 23 informally named taxa in this State. One of these, Tephrosia sp. Cathedral Gorge (F.H. Mollemans 2420), is a distinctive species and is described herein as T. oxalidea R.Butcher & P.J.H.Hurter. Images and a distribution map for this species are included, as is a discussion of its affinities.

Three new species of Calandrinia (Portulacaceae) from the Eremaean and South West Botanical Provinces of Western Australia

OBBENS, F.J., Nuytsia 22 (6): 351–362 (2012)

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Three new species in Calandrinia Kunth. sect. Pseudodianthoideae Poelln. are described: C. hortiorum Obbens, C. umbelliformis Obbens and C. operta Obbens. The first two species are located within the Eremaean Botanical Province while the last species has a disjunct distribution in both the Eremaean and South West Botanical Provinces.

Atalaya brevialata (Sapindaceae), a new species from the Northern Territory, Australia

COWIE, I.D. AND STUCKEY, B., Nuytsia 22 (6): 363–370 (2012)

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A new, rare species, Atalaya brevialata Cowie & G.M. Wightman is described and illustrated. The species is unusual in the genus in having a greatly reduced wing on the samara and the suffruticose growth habit, the latter perhaps an adaption to the region’s wet-dry tropical climate and prevailing near-annual fire regime. It appears to have a restricted distribution to the south of Darwin and its conservation status is evaluated. A key to species of Atalaya Blume in the Northern Territory and Western Australia is provided.

A revision of the Australian endemic genus Pentalepis (Asteraceae: Ecliptinae)

ORCHARD, A.E. AND CROSS, E.W., Nuytsia 22 (6): 371–392 (2012)

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The genus Pentalepi F.Muell., resurrected by Karis et al. in 1993, with two species, after being for many years included in Moonia Arn or Chrysogonum L., has been studied morphologically across its full range. Four new species (P. linearifolia Orchard, P. grandis E.W.Cross, P. kakaduensis E.W.Cross and P. walcottii E.W.Cross) are described, as well as three subspecies in P. trichodesmoides F.Muell. (subsp. trichodesmoides, subsp. hispida Orchard and subsp. incana Orchard), two in P. linearifolia (subsp. linearifolia and subsp. nudibranchoides Orchard) and two in P. ecliptoides F.Muell. (subsp. ecliptoides and subsp. hirsuta Orchard), bringing the total to six species and eight subspecies. All taxa are keyed, described, illustrated and mapped.

Seven new combinations for Western Australian members of Myrtaceae tribe Chamelaucieae

RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia 22 (6): 393–398 (2012)

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The following new combinations are made for Myrtaceous species in the tribe Chamelaucieae: Anticoryne ovalifolia (F.Muell.) Rye, Cyathostemon ambiguus (F.Muell.) Rye & Trudgen, C. blackettii (F.Muell.) Rye & Trudgen, C. heterantherus (C.A.Gardner) Rye & Trudgen, Malleostemon decipiens (W.Fitzg.) Trudgen, Tetrapora floribunda (Benth.) Trudgen & Rye and T. tenuiramea (S. Moore) Trudgen & Rye. The type gatherings for the base name Baeckea floribunda Benth. are discussed.

Poranthera moorokatta (Phyllanthaceae), a rare new species from Perth, Western Australia

BARRETT, R.L., Nuytsia 22 (6): 399–407 (2012)

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Poranthera moorokatta R.L.Barrett is described as a new species recently discovered in Banksia woodland in Kings Park, in the heart of the Perth metropolitan area. Poranthera moorokatta is morphologically allied to P. triandra J.M.Black, a woodland species distributed from Lake King in Western Australia to the Grampians in Victoria, and perhaps also to P. dissecta Halford & R.J.F.Hend., a species from granite outcrops in south-east Western Australia.

A revision of Eucalyptus ser. Falcatae (Myrtaceae) from south-western Australia, including the description of new taxa and comments on the probable hybrid origin of E. balanites, E. balanopelex and E. phylacis

NICOLLE, D. AND FRENCH, M.E., Nuytsia 22 (6): 409–454 (2012)

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Twenty terminal taxa (including 18 species) are recognised in Eucalyptus ser. Falcatae. Brooker & Hopper. We include the monotypic E. ser. Cooperianae L.A.S.Johnson ex Brooker (E. cooperiana F.Muell.) in the series. The new species E. annettae D.Nicolle & M.E.French and E. opimiflora D. Nicolle & M.E.French and the new subspecies E. goniantha Turcz. subsp. kynoura D.Nicolle & M.E.French are described. New combinations made are E. adesmophloia (Brooker & Hopper) D.Nicolle & M.E.French, E. ecostata (Maiden) D.Nicolle & M.E.French and E. notactites (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) D. Nicolle & M.E.French. The circumscription of some taxa is significantly modified from previous accounts, including that of E. falcata Turc E. goniantha and E. obesa Brooker & Hopper. The name E. dorrienii Domin is resurrected to accommodate populations of mallees previously erroneously called E. falcata. We reject the status of the following previously accepted taxa: E. argyphea L.A. S.Johnson & K.D.Hill (= E. falcata), E. balanites Grayling & Brooker (= E. decipiens × E. lane-poolei), E. balanopelex L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill (= E. semiglobosa × E. kessellii subsp. eugnosta), E. communalis Brooker & Hopper (= E. adesmophloiaE. obesa intergrade), E. decipiens subsp. chalara Brooker & Hopper (= E. decipiensE. adesmophloia intergrade) and E. phylacis L.A.S.Johnson& K.D.Hill (= E. decipiens × E. virginea). Distribution maps and representative images are provided where appropriate. A key to the taxa of E. ser. Falcatae is provided.

A review of Eucalyptus erythronema (Myrtaceae) from the wheatbelt of south-western Australia

NICOLLE, D. AND FRENCH, M.E., Nuytsia 22 (6): 455–463 (2012)

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Three taxa are recognised within the previously-accepted concept of E. erythronema Turcz_._ The taxon previously known as E. erythronema var. marginata (Benth.) Domin is regarded as specifically distinct and is here described as E. armillata D.Nicolle & M.E.French. The taxon previously known as E. erythronema var. erythronema has two variants: a north-eastern variant with conspicuously waxy branchlets and usually red flowers, which we recognise as E. erythronema subsp. erythronema, and a south-western variant with non-waxy branchlets and consistently pale creamy yellow flowers, which we describe as E. erythronema subsp. inornata D.Nicolle & M.E.French_._ A distribution map for the three taxa previously included in E. erythronema and a key to E. ser. Elongatae Blakely (in which the three taxa treated here are included) are provided.

New combinations in Senegalia (Fabaceaee: Mimosoideae) for Australia

MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 22 (6): 465–468 (2012)

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The genus Acacia Mill. (sens. lat.) is now regarded as comprising five genera, one of which is Senegalia Raf. This genus is represented in Australia by just four species, two native and two introduced. The following new combinations are made in order to facilitate the completion of a revised edition of the Flora of Australia vol. 11: Senegalia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottler) Maslin, Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin and Senegalia pennata subsp. kerrii (I.C. Nielsen) Maslin.

A lectotype in Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae) clarified

GEORGE, A.S., Nuytsia 22 (6): 469 (2012)

Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2011

PARKER, C.M. AND BIGGS, L.J., Nuytsia 22 (6): 471–482 (2012)

Isotypes for Calandrinia pentavalvis

OBBENS, F.J., Nuytsia 22 (6): 483 (2012)