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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 21–40 of 51.

Leucopogon kirupensis (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae), a new, short-range endemic from the south-west corner of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 111–115 (2020)

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Kunzea dracopetrensis (Myrtaceae: Leptospermeae), an uncommon new species from Western Australia’s south-eastern wheatbelt

BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 31: 117–123 (2020)

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Following a path less trodden: the new apetalous species Cryptandra subtilis (Rhamnaceae)

RYE, B.L. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 125–128 (2020)

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Better the devil you know: Teucrium diabolicum (Lamiaceae), a new species from mining tenements in the Coolgardie bioregion

WEGE, J.A. AND DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 129–133 (2020)

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Remarkably unremarkable: Tecticornia enodis (Chenopodiaceae), a new samphire with smooth seeds from the arid interior of Western Australia

SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 31: 135–139 (2020)

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Description of the rare Goldfields Laceflower, Thryptomene planiflora (Myrtaceae)

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 31: 141–145 (2020)

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Styphelia capillaris (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae), a formal name for a Critically Endangered species from Wandoo National Park

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 147–151 (2020)

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Olearia adpressa (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new, geographically restricted species from shale breakaways in the Mid West of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 153–156 (2020)

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Formal naming of Bossiaea reptans (Fabaceae), an endangered species from the Warren region, Western Australia

MACFARLANE, T.D., ROSS, J.H., SMITH, J. AND HEARN, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 157–161 (2020)

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Out of the dark: Leptofauchea lucida (Rhodymeniales: Faucheaceae), a new red algal species from the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia

HUISMAN, J.M. AND SAUNDERS, G.W., Nuytsia 31: 163–167 (2020)

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A new Wedding Bush from the eastern goldfields of Western Australia (Ricinocarpos digynus: Euphorbiaceae)

HISLOP, M. AND WEGE, J.A., Nuytsia 31: 169–173 (2020)

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Gomphrena verecunda (Amaranthaceae), a modest new species from Western Australia’s arid zone

DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 175–178 (2020)

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Nowhere to be seen: Deyeuxia abscondita (Poaceae), a new but presumed extinct species from south-western Australia

MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia 31: 179–185 (2020)

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A case of mistaken identity: Isotropis iophyta (Fabaceae), a new Western Australian Lamb’s Poison previously confused with I. forrestii

WEGE, J.A. AND DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 187–191 (2020)

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Goodenia quartzitica (Goodeniaceae), a new range-restricted species discovered in a remote part of the eastern Gascoyne bioregion

SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 31: 193–196 (2020)

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Wurmbea flavanthera (Yellow-anthered Wurmbea, Colchicaceae), a new species from Western Australia’s Mid West region

MACFARLANE, T.D., BROWN, A.P. AND FRENCH, C.J., Nuytsia 31: 197–202 (2020)

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Shining some light on a poorly known species: Haloragis luminosa (Haloragaceae), a new Western Australian species from a Threatened Ecological Community

WEGE, J.A. AND ORCHARD, A.E., Nuytsia 31: 203–206 (2020)

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Beyeria lateralis (Euphorbiaceae), a previously overlooked new species from Western Australia’s Mallee region

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 207–211 (2020)

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Acacia lachnocarpa (Fabaceae), a new, geographically restricted Wattle from the Coolgardie bioregion of Western Australia

DAVIS, R.W. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 213–216 (2020)

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Between a rock and a hard place: Quoya zonalis (Lamiaceae: Chloantheae), a threatened Foxglove from Western Australia’s Pilbara bioregion

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 217–221 (2020)

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