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Displaying records 1–16 of 16 for your search terms: Genus: rubus
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Rosaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 334 (1789)
Rubus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:492 (1753)
Rubus anglocandicans A.Newton
Watsonia 11:243 (1977)
Rubus bellobatus L.H.Bailey
Gentes Herb. 5:666 (1945)
Rubus discolor Weihe & Nees
Rubi Germ. 30 (1824)
Rubus hillii F.Muell.
Queensland Bramble Trans.& Proc.Philos.Inst.Victoria 2:67 (1858)
Rubus laciniatus Willd.
Hort.Berol. 2, Tab. 82 (1806)
Rubus laciniatus subsp. selmeri (F.Aresch.) A.Beek
Meded.Bot.Mus.Herb.Rijks Univ.Utrecht 415:67 (1974)
Rubus laudatus A.Berger
New York Agric.Exp.Sta.Bull. 1925(2):77 (1925)
Rubus parviflorus Nutt.
Gen.N.Amer.Pl. 1:308 (1818)
Rubus rugosus Sm.
Cycl. 30:n.34 (1815)
Rubus selmeri F.Aresch.
Bot.Not. 1886:76 (1886)
Rubus ulmifolius Schott
Blackberry Isis (Oken) 1818:821 (1818)
Rubus ulmifolius var. anoplothyrsus Sudre
Rubi Eur. 70 (1909)
Rubus ulmifolius Schott var. ulmifolius
Rubus ursinus Cham. & Schltdl.
Linnaea 2:11 (1827)
Rubus ×loganobaccus L.H.Bailey
Gentes Herb. 1:155-156 (1923)

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