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Displaying records 61–80 of 102 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 17 2007
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Lamiaceae Martinov
Tekhno-Bot.Slovar 355 (1820)
Dicrastylis Harv.
Hooker's J.Bot.Kew Gard.Misc. 7:56 (1855)
Dicrastylis cundeeleensis Rye
Nuytsia 17:304-308, Figs1b, 2 (2007)
Dicrastylis kumarinensis Rye
Nuytsia 17:315-317, Figs 1c, 5 (2007)
Dicrastylis mitchellii Rye
Nuytsia 17:317-319, Figs 1d, 6 (2007)
Dicrastylis subterminalis Rye
Nuytsia 17:321-324, Figs 1e, 7 (2007)
Pityrodia R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 513 (1810)
Pityrodia iphthima K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:348-351, Figs 1, 2 (2007)
Prostanthera Labill.
Nov.Holl.Pl. 2:18, Tab.157 (1806)
Prostanthera ferricola B.J.Conn & K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:148-151, Fig.1 (2007)
Malvaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 271 (1789)
Lasiopetalum Sm.
Trans.Linn.Soc.London,Bot. 4:216 (1798)
Lasiopetalum ferraricollinum E.M.Benn. & K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:68-71, Figs 1, 2a-b (2007)
Sida L.
Sp.Pl. 2:683 (1753)
Sida arsiniata R.M.Barker
Nuytsia 17:26-29, Figs 3-4a (2007)
Sida ectogama W.R.Barker & R.M.Barker
Nuytsia 17:21-25, Figs 1-2 (2007)
Myrtaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 322 (1789)
Corymbia K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson
Telopea 6:214 (1995)
Corymbia cadophora subsp. polychroma R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:32-35, Fig.1 (2007)
Eucalyptus L'Hér.
Sert.Angl. (1789)
Eucalyptus jutsonii subsp. kobela D.Nicolle & M.E.French
Nuytsia 17:284-287, Figs 2,3 (2007)
Eucalyptus rhomboidea Hopper & D.Nicolle
Nuytsia 17:189-193, Figs 1, 2 (2007)
Kunzea Rchb.
Consp.Regn.Veg. 175 (1828)
Kunzea acicularis Toelken & G.F.Craig
Nuytsia 17:392-393 (2007)
Kunzea similis subsp. mediterranea Toelken & G.F.Craig
Nuytsia 17:390 (2007)
Kunzea strigosa Toelken & G.F.Craig
Nuytsia 17:394-396 (2007)
Micromyrtus Benth.
Gen.Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 1(2):700 (1865)
Micromyrtus trudgenii Rye
Nuytsia 17:326-329, Figs 2, 3 (2007)
Orchidaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 64 (1789)
Caladenia R.Br.
Fairy Orchids Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 323 (1810)
Caladenia petrensis A.P.Br. & G.Brockman
Rock Spider Orchid Nuytsia 17:74-77, Fig.1a (2007)
Caladenia saxicola A.P.Br. & G.Brockman
Banded Ironstone Spider Orchid Nuytsia 17:77-78, Fig. 1b (2007)
Poaceae Barnhart
Bull.Torrey Bot.Club 22:7 (1895)
Neurachne R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 196 (1810)
Neurachne annularis T.Macfarlane
Nuytsia 17:217-220, Fig.2 (2007)
Proteaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 78 (1789)
Hakea Schrad. & J.C.Wendl.
Sertum Hannoveranum p27, t. 17. (1796)
Hakea chromatropa A.S.George & R.M.Barker
Nuytsia 17:159-163, Figs 1,2 (2007)

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