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Displaying records 1041–1060 of 1176
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Fabaceae Lindl.
Intr.Nat.Syst.Bot. Ed.2:148 (1836)
Acacia Mill.
Gard.Dict.Abr. Ed.3 (1754)
Acacia steedmanii subsp. borealis Maslin
Northern Steedman's Wattle Nuytsia 18:164, 166-169, Fig. 7 (2008)
Acacia steedmanii Maiden & Blakely subsp. steedmanii
Acacia stellaticeps Kodela, Tindale & D.A.Keith
Nuytsia 13:483-486, Fig. 1 (2001)
Acacia stenophylla Benth.
Belalie London J.Bot. 1:366 (1842)
Acacia stenoptera Benth.
Narrow Winged Wattle London J.Bot. 1:325 (1842)
Acacia stereophylla Meisn.
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 2:203 (1848)
Acacia stereophylla var. cylindrata R.S.Cowan & Maslin
Nuytsia 10:57 (1995)
Acacia stereophylla Meisn. var. stereophylla
Acacia stigmatophylla Benth.
Djulurd London J.Bot. 1:377 (1842)
Acacia stipuligera F.Muell.
J.Linn.Soc.,Bot. 3:144 (1859)
Acacia stipuligera F.Muell. subsp. stipuligera
Acacia stipulosa F.Muell.
J.Proc.Linn.Soc.,Bot. 3:119 (1859)
Acacia stowardii Maiden
Bastard Mulga J.Proc.Roy.Soc.New S.Wales 51:269 (1917)
Acacia striatula Benth.
London J.Bot. 1:336 (1842)
Acacia strigosa Link
Acacia strongylophylla F.Muell.
Round-leaf Wattle Fragm. 8:226 (1874)
Acacia subangularis Maiden & Blakely
Acacia subcaerulea Lindl.
Bot.Reg. 13:Tab.1075 (1827)
Acacia subcontorta Maslin
Nuytsia 18:169-173, Fig. 8 (2008)
Acacia suberosa Benth.
Corkybark Wattle London J.Bot. 1:499 (1842)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.