Displaying records 1–14 of 14
Two new species of Brachyloma (Epacridaceae) from the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
CRANFIELD, R.J., Nuytsia 15 (3): 331–336 (2005)
Endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia, Brachyloma delbi Cranfield and Brachyloma mogin Cranfield are described, illustrated and mapped.
Further new taxa in Dryandra R.Br. (Proteaceae : Grevilleoideae)
GEORGE, A.S., Nuytsia 15 (3): 337–346 (2005)
The following new taxa in Dryandra are described: D. prionotes A.S. George, D. ferruginea subsp. magna A.S. George, D. fraseri var. crebra A.S. George, D. fraseri var. effusa A.S. George, D. ionthocarpa subsp. chrysophoenix A.S. George and D. pteridifolia subsp. inretita A.S. George.
Reinstatement of Burchardia congesta (Colchicaceae)
KEIGHERY, G.J. AND MUIR, W., Nuytsia 15 (3): 347–354 (2005)
Burchardia R. Br. is an endemic Australian genus of five species in the Colchicaceae. Burchardia umbellata R. Br. is a widespread taxon occurring disjunctly in temperate Eastern Australia and in south-west Western Australia. Studies on the morphology, ecology and anatomy of the Western and Eastern populations have shown marked discontinuities in character sets, leading to the recognition that each area is a seperate taxon. The name B. congesta Lindl. is re-instated for the Western populations and the name B. umbellata restricted to the Eastern populations.
A taxonomic revision of Drosera section Stolonifera (Droseraceae) from south-west Western Australia
LOWRIE, A., Nuytsia 15 (3): 355–394 (2005)
Ten species are recognized in the Drosera section Stolonifera: D. fimbriata DeBuhr, D. humilis Planchon, D. platypoda Turcz., D. porrecta Lehm., D. purpurascens Schlott., D. ramellosa Lehm., and D. stolonifera Endl., including three new combinations: D. monticola (Lowrie & Marchant) Lowrie, D. prostrata (Marchant & Lowrie) Lowrie and D. rupicola (Marchant) Lowrie. All are endemic to the south-west of Western Australia and belong in Drosera L. subgen. Ergaleium DC. sect. Stolonifera DeBuhr. Each taxon is described in detail as well as illustrated. A key is provided to all taxa in sect. Stolonifera. A schematic illustration of all ten species life-form is provided for comparison and cross referencing with each other. SEM micrographs of the seeds of each species, field and cultivation studies and historical investigations are also presented.
A rare and endangered new subspecies of Eucalyptus sargentii (Myrtaceae) with high potential for revegetation of saline sites from south-western Australia and notes on E. diminuta and E. sargentii subsp. fallens
NICOLLE, D., Nuytsia 15 (3): 395–402 (2005)
Eucalyptus sargentii subsp. onesia Nicolle subsp. nov. is described. It is known from less than ten small populations in the central wheatbelt of southwest Western Australia, with all populations occurring on highly saline sites and possibly endangered by increasing salinisation. E. sargentii subsp. onesia differs from subsp. sargentii primarily in the lignotuberous, mallee habit, making it preferable to subsp. sargentii for salt reclamation projects, due to its propensity to regenerate following fire or cutting. Extensive field examination, seedling trials and observations of cultivated material have indicated that E. sargentii subsp. fallens is not specifically distinct from E. diminuta and I regard the former as synonymous with the latter. E. diminuta is recircumscribed to include populations from Eurardy Station in the north to near Watheroo in the south.
Re-assessment of the saline-dwelling Eucalyptus spathulata complex (Myrtaceae) from southern Western Australia
NICOLLE, D. AND BROOKER, M.I.H., Nuytsia 15 (3): 403–430 (2005)
The circumscription of taxa within the Eucalyptus spathulata complex is revised. The status of E. vegrandis is resolved and the new species E. orthostemon Nicolle & Brooker is described to accommodate populations of mallees previously and erroneously referred to E. vegrandis. The new taxon E. vegrandis subsp. recondita Nicolle & Brooker is described to accommodate coarse, relatively broad-leaved mallees in the Stirling Range area, previously referred under the manuscript name E. ‘recondita’. E. suggrandis is recircumscribed, with subsp. alipes (as to the type – the mallet/obligate seeder variant) raised to specific status as E. alipes (L. Johnson & K. Hill) Nicolle & Brooker. E. mimica is recircumscribed as an obligate seeder (mallet) species and E. suggrandis subsp. promiscua Nicolle and Brooker described from the Lake Grace – Pingrup area, previously being confused with both E. mimica and E. suggrandis. The new subspecies, E. spathulata subsp. salina Nicolle & Brooker, is described from mallets restricted to the Salt River drainage system of the northern part of the southern wheatbelt. E. cernua is recircumscribed as an obligate seeder (mallet) species with resprouter (mallee) populations, previously included under E. cernua, published as E. proxima Nicolle & Brooker. The manuscript name E. ‘verruculosa’ is considered to be E. suggrandis subsp. suggrandis, as to the proposed type. A key and distribution maps for the E. spathulata complex are provided.
New taxa, a new record and a rediscovery in Western Australian Haloragis (Haloragaceae)
ORCHARD, A.E., LEPSCHI, B.J. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 15 (3): 431–444 (2005)
Variation and distribution in taxa of the Haloragis gossei–H. trigonocarpa group is discussed and two new taxa, H. maierae Orchard and H. gossei var. inflata Orchard are described. Rediscovery of H. platycarpa is noted, and an amended description of this rare species is provided. Variation in the H. aculeata–H. scoparia group is discussed, and a widely disjunct new record, H. glauca forma glauca, is noted for the State.
A taxonomic review of Dicrastylis sect. Corymbosae (Lamiaceae: Chloantheae), incorporating Mallophora as a new synonym
RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 15 (3): 445–456 (2005)
Following a recent recommendation to conserve the name Dicrastylis Drumm. ex Harv. over Mallophora Endl., the two species previously included in the latter genus are here transferred to Dicrastylis sect. Corymbosae Munir. To achieve this, two new combinations, Dicrastylis globiflora (Endl.) Rye and D. rugosifolia (Munir) Rye, are made. The circumscription of Dicrastylis sect.Corymbosae is further altered by the removal of D. nicholasii F. Muell., and D. glauca is reduced to a synonym of D. corymbosa. A review of the section is presented. It is now comprised of five white-flowered species with cymes condensed into corymbosely arranged clusters, and is restricted to the south-west of Western Australia.
A taxonomic update of Petrophile sect. Arthrostigma (Proteaceae)
RYE, B.L. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 15 (3): 457–484 (2005)
Petrophile sect. Arthrostigma (Endl.) Benth. is described, P. teretifolia R. Br. is chosen as its lectotype, and a key is given for all members of the section. Petrophile filifolia R. Br. and P. juncifolia Lindl. are reinstated. Descriptions are also given for five new taxa, Petrophile filifolia subsp. laxa Rye & Hislop, P. pilostyla, P. pilostyla subsp. austrina, P. pilostyla subsp. syntoma and P. prostrata, and for two species that are now more narrowly circumscribed, P. brevifolia R. Br. and P. longifolia R. Br. A lectotype is also selected for P. longifolia. Pollen presenter characters, which are of particular importance in this group, are compared in a table and are illustrated for all of the named taxa.
A new heterocarpidic fruit type for the Myrtaceae, with dehiscent and indehiscent loculi, in two genera from Western Australia
RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia 15 (3): 485–494 (2005)
A form of heterocarpidy with dehiscent and indehiscent loculi present in the same fruit is described from species in two genera of Myrtaceae occurring in the south-west of Western Australia. This extreme development of heterocarpidy results in a very unusual fruit type, one that has not previously been described for the Myrtaceae. It is also apparently rare in the angiosperms, although smaller differences between carpels (mostly in their size and the number of seeds) are not uncommon. In Astus Trudgen & Rye and the Baeckea robusta F. Muell. complex, two types of ovary loculi develop, with one type dehiscent by a suture on the floral disc and the other type lower in the ovary and indehiscent. The occurrence of this heterocarpidic fruit type in two fairly different genera is considered to be a convergent development rather than indicating a particularly close relationship. The heterocarpidic fruit in these groups is described and illustrated, and its adaptive and taxonomic significance discussed.
Astus, a new Western Australian genus of Myrtaceae with heterocarpidic fruits
TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E. AND RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 15 (3): 495–512 (2005)
Astus Trudgen & Rye, a new genus of Myrtaceae with four species endemic to the south-west of Western Australia, is described and its affinities discussed. While the genus is circumscribed on the basis of a range of characteristics that separate it from related genera, all its members are unusual in having a fruit with both dehiscent and indehiscent loculi. In addition, two of the species have a marked heteromorphy in their calyx lobes. Astus is one of a number of genera belonging to the tribe Chamelaucieae that have reniform seeds. While the floral morphology of the new genus does not readily indicate which of the other reniform-seeded genera it is closest to, DNA evidence indicates affinities to the Eastern Australian genus Triplarina Raf. The type species, Astus tetragonus (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Trudgen & Rye, is based on Baeckea tetragona F. Muell. ex Benth. Astus duomilius Trudgen & Rye, A. subroseus Trudgen & Rye and A. wittweri Trudgen & Rye are new species. A key to the species, descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps are provided.
Goodenia pedicellata (Goodeniaceae), a new species from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia
SAGE, L.W. AND DIXON, K.W., Nuytsia 15 (3): 513–516 (2005)
A new species of conservation priority, Goodenia pedicellata, is described, illustrated, mapped and compared with G. cusackiana (F. Muell.) Carolin. Surveys are needed to accurately determine the rarity of the species in the wild, currently known only from the holotype location.
Rulingia borealis, a new combination based on R. malvifolia var. borealis (Malvaceae s.l. or Sterculiaceae)
WILKINS, C.F., Nuytsia 15 (3): 517–522 (2005)
Rulingia malvifolia Steetz is an illegitimate name since Steetz, in describing R. malvifolia cited Commersonia cygnorum Steud. in synonomy. Pritzel (1901) then described Rulingia malvifolia var. borealis E.Pritz. This variety is here raised to species rank to become R. borealis (E.Pritz.) C.F.Wilkins.
New and noteworthy plant species recognised as naturalised in Western Australia
KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 15 (3): 523–528 (2005)
The format of this paper follows that of Heenan et al. (2002) for New Zealand and Hosking et al. (2003) for New South Wales. Species are grouped under Monocotyledons or Dicotyledons, then listed aphabetically by family and scientific name, common name (when available), the location of a taxon description, natural region where the weed has been recorded following the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (Thackway & Cresswell 1995), habitats, first records and area of origin.