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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–20 of 32.

Two new species from the Leucopogon distans group (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae) and the reinstatement of L. penicillatus

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 22 (1): 1–16 (2012)

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Two new species, Leucopogon microcarpus Hislop and L. newbeyi Hislop are described and another, L. penicillatus Stschegl., previously reduced by Bentham (1868) to a variety of L. distans R.Br., is reinstated. All three are illustrated and their distributions mapped. A key is provided for all Western Australian taxa currently referred to the L. distans group (sensu Hislop & Chapman 2007). Lectotypes are designated for L. distans and L. reflexus R.Br. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes pertaining to L. atherolepis Stschegl.and L. reflexus are also included.

Two new mallee box species (Eucalyptus sect. Adnataria ser. Lucasianae; Myrtaceae) from the Pilbara region of Western Australia

NICOLLE, D. AND FRENCH, M.E., Nuytsia 22 (1): 17–29 (2012)

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Two new species are described, both which have previously been included in E. lucasii Blakely, viz: E. aridimontana D.Nicolle & M.E.French sp. nov., known from high mountain ridges of the Hamersley Range, and E. rowleyi D.Nicolle & M.E.French sp. nov., known from plains of the De Grey River catchment to the north-east of the Hamersley Range. Both species differ from E. lucasii in their adult leaves which age to green and/or glossy, and in their thickened pedicels and peduncles (among other characteristics). Eucalyptus lucasii, as now circumscribed, is a widespread species restricted to watercourses and flood-out plains south of the Pilbara region. A key to E. ser. Lucasianae Chippend. and distribution maps for E. lucasii, E. aridimontana and E. rowleyi are provided.

A new species of Gompholobium (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae) from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia

WILKINS, C.F. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia 22 (1): 31–40 (2012)

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Gompholobium oreophilum C.F.Wilkins & Trudgen, a new species from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia, is described and compared to its close relatives G. karijini Chappill and G. polyzygum F.Muell. The different habitat preferences and the possible hybridisation between G. oreophilum and G. karijini, which is also endemic to the Pilbara, are discussed. A key and distribution maps are provided.

Tephrosia bidwillii (Fabaceae: Millettieae) does not occur in Western Australia

BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 22 (1): 41–42 (2012)

Ptilotus exiliflorus, a new name for Ptilotus parviflorus (Benth.) R.W.Davis (Amaranthaceae)

DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 22 (1): 43 (2012)

Leucopogon navicularis (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae), another local endemic from the midwest region of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 22 (2): 45–50 (2012)

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Leucopogon navicularis Hislop, a new and potentially rare species, is described, illustrated and its distribution mapped.

Acacia bartlei (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), a new species from near Esperance, Western Australia

MASLIN, B.R. AND REID, J.E., Nuytsia 22 (2): 51–56 (2012)

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Acacia bartlei Maslin & J.E.Reid, a new, rare species of Acacia Mill. related to A. redolens Maslin, is described. It is restricted to a small area north and north east of Esperance, Western Australia, where it grows in often waterlogged depressions.

Five new species and records of Inocybe (Agaricales) from temperate and tropical Australia

BOUGHER, N.L. AND MATHENY, P.B., Nuytsia 22 (2): 57–74 (2012)

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Five species of Inocybe are documented from Australia, four from southern temperate regions and one from the northern tropics. Inocybe emergens, previously known only from the type collection in South Australia, is reported for the first time from south-west Western Australia. Inocybe fulvilubrica Matheny, Bougher & G.Gates and I. redolens Matheny, Bougher & G.Gates are both described from Western Australia and Tasmania. Inocybe fulvilubrica has nodulose spores, a yellowish brown pileus that may be viscid or greasy and bears patches of white velar material, and a white pruinose stipe with a marginate bulb. Inocybe redolens is distinguished by the combination of nodulose spores, a squamulose disc, lack of caulocystidia, and an odour of Pelargonium. Inocybe sinuospora Matheny & Bougher known only from southwest Western Australia, has distinctive oblong- angular spores with a sinuous outline. Inocybe torresiae Matheny, Bougher & M.D.Barrett is a tropical species with nodulose spores described from forests in northern Western Australia and Queensland. It is distinguished by its truncate or sessile hymenial cystidia, presence of caulocystidia, and sweet or citrine odour.

Three new species allied to the ‘Mirbelia viminalis group’ (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae), from Western Australia

BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 22 (2): 75–92 (2012)

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Mirbelia balsiformis R.Butcher, M. corallina R.Butcher and M. ferricola R.Butcher are described herein as new species allied to the ‘M. viminalis group’ Of the newly described species, M. balsiformis is widely distributed between Kalbarri and Shark Bay, and is not conservation-listed, while M. corallina and M. ferricola are listed as Priority Three conservation taxa in Western Australia. Mirbelia corallina is restricted to sandplains in the Kalbarri area, with most collections from Kalbarri National Park. Mirbelia ferricola is restricted to Banded Iron Formation ranges between the Koolanooka Hills, east of Morawa, and the Bremer Range, west of Norseman. Although this species has a wide area of occupancy, the biodiverse ranges on which it occurs are small, disjunct islands in an otherwise subdued landscape, and are highly prospective for mining. The putative taxon M. sp. Carnarvon (J.S. Beard 6008), previously poorly defined, appears to be a recognisable variant within the variable M. ramulosa (Benth.) C.A.Gardner. The name is retained on Western Australia’s plant census, however, until its status can be clarified by a comprehensive study of variation in M. ramulosa across its range. This paper describes, illustrates and provides distribution maps for M. balsiformis, M. corallina and M. ferricola, and distinguishes them from similar, scale-leaved Mirbelia Sm. species in Western Australia. A key to species of the ‘M. viminalis group’ is also provided.

Notes on the identity and status of Western Australian phrase names in Corymbia and Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae)

NICOLLE, D., FRENCH, M.E. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 22 (3): 93–110 (2012)

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A total of 27 phrase names in Corymbia K.D.Hill & L.A.S. Johnson (1) and Eucalyptus L'Hér. (25) which occur at least partly in Western Australia have been assessed with respect to their identity and status. Of these 27 phrase names, we recommend that 14 be removed from duplicate names (taxonomically matching another phrase name or published taxon), are taxonomically indistinct or very poorly understood, or are considered to represent hybrids. We erect eight new phrase names for Eucalyptus in Western Australia.

Tetratheca spenceri (Elaeocarpaceae), a new rare and range-restricted species from the Coolgardie bioregion, Western Australia

BUTCHER, R. AND COCKERTON, G.T.B., Nuytsia 22 (3): 111–120 (2012)

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The new species of Tetratheca Sm. described herein was discovered opportunistically by Goldfields resident Charlie Spencer while exploring the Coolgardie bioregion in late 2011; it is named T. spenceri R.Butcher & Cockerton in honour of him. Tetratheca spenceri is currently known from a single population on a laterite outcrop south-east of Coolgardie and is of conservation significance. Five rare, short-range endemic Tetratheca taxa are already known from Banded Iron Formation ranges in the Coolgardie bioregion. Tetratheca spenceri can be distinguished from all other species of Tetratheca in the region by its combination of straight, finely wrinkled, glaucous stems, alternate, appressed, narrowly deltoid scale-leaves, moderately long peduncles bearing long, glandular hairs, uniformly pink petals, two ovules per locule, which are crowded together near the apex of the septum, and narrowly obovate, glabrous fruit. The new species is described and illustrated herein, its affinities are discussed, and its distribution mapped. A key to the ‘leafless’ taxa of Tetratheca in Western Australia is included.

Rediscovery and reinstatement of Hibbertia leptopus (Dilleniaceae), an overlooked and apparently rare species from Western Australia

THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 22 (3): 121–124 (2012)

A review of Banksia mucronulata (Proteaceae)

BROOKS, K.J., Nuytsia 22 (3): 125–127 (2012)

A taxonomic revision of Mulga (Acacia aneura and its close relatives: Fabaceae) in Western Australia

MASLIN, B.R. AND REID, J.E., Nuytsia 22 (4): 129–267 (2012)

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A taxonomic revision of the highly diverse Western Australian Mulga flora (Acacia aneura F.Muell. ex Benth. and its close relatives) is presented, based on morphological analyses of almost 2000 herbarium collections complemented by field studies of about 300 populations (mostly located in Western Australia, with a few from the Northern Territory and South Australia). Twelve species accommodated in three informal groups, the Blue, Grey-green and Green Alliances, are recognised. Almost all of the species contain informal variants, and putative hybrids and/or intergrades are common. Because many of the species had previously been recognised as varieties of A. aneura (Pedley 2001) a discussion of our taxon concepts is given. The 12 species are defined by a combination of morphological characters, the most important being branchlet resin (translucent vs opaque) and pod margins (rimmed, bevel-edged or winged), complemented by new shoot (resinous vs non-resinous), phyllode (shape, size, curvature, nervature) and pod (width) attributes. A discussion of the taxonomically most informative characters in the Mulga group is presented. Seven new species are recognised: Acacia aptaneura Maslin & J.E.Reid (syn. A. aneura var. pilbarana Pedley and A. aneura var. tenuis Pedley), A. caesaneura Maslin & J.E.Reid (syn. A. aneura var. argentea Pedley), A. fuscaneura Maslin & J.E.Reid (syn. A. aneura var. fuliginea Pedley), A. incurvaneura Maslin & J.E.Reid (syn. A. aneura var. microcarpa Pedley), A. macraneura Maslin & J.E.Reid (syn. A. aneura var. macrocarpa Randell), A. mulganeura Maslin & J.E.Reid and A. pteraneura Maslin & J.E.Reid. Acacia aneura var. intermedia Pedley is provisionally regarded as conspecific with the broadly circumscribed A. aneura.

The type of Acacia aneura (Mulga) and ambiguities concerning the application of this name

MASLIN, B.R., O‘LEARY, M., REID, J.E. AND MILLER, J.T., Nuytsia 22 (4): 269–294 (2012)

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Acacia aneura F.Muell. ex Benth. is a member of a large, taxonomically complex group of plants that are very common in the Australian arid zone. In order to help determine the application of this name the type collection of A. aneura at the National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) is reassessed after visits to the type locality. This collection comprises rather fragmentary specimens mounted on three sheets (MEL 724215, 724218 and 724219), each labelled as having been collected [in 1851] by Ferdinand von Mueller from ‘Cudnaka’. This locality is now known as Kanyaka, located in the South Flinders Ranges, South Australia, between Quorn and Hawker. The holotype is confirmed as the depauperate fruiting specimen on MEL 724218. The fertile specimen on MEL 724219 is confirmed as belonging to a Mulga taxon of uncertain status and is not a type. The sterile specimen on MEL 724215 and the sterile specimens on MEL 724219 may or may not be types, but their status cannot be determined with any certainty. The populations at Kanyaka that Mueller presumably visited were sampled by the authors in 2007, 2008 and 2010. Subsequent study showed there to be two distinct Mulga morphotypes in these populations. One morphotype corresponds to the type of A. aneura but the status of the second morphotype is uncertain. The latter does not match the fertile specimen on MEL 724219 and appears not to have been collected by Mueller; it may possibly represent a hitherto undescribed species. The taxonomic status of the first morphotype, and hence the application of the name A. aneura, is currently uncertain. Further field, morphological and genetic studies, especially of South Australian populations, are needed to resolve the application of the name A. aneura and also to establish the status of the second morphotype collected from the type locality.

Description of six Lepidosperma species (Cyperaceae) based on type specimens

BARRETT, R.L., Nuytsia 22 (5): 295–322 (2012)

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Many species of Lepidosperma Labill. have been poorly circumscribed, resulting in significant nomenclatural confusion. Full descriptions of six species based solely on type specimens held in the Webb Herbarium in Florence (FI-W) and the Preiss Herbarium in Lund (LD) are presented here in order to facilitate accurate application of the names involved. Descriptions are provided for Lepidosperma costale Nees, L. gladiatum Labill., L. fimbriatum Nees, L. humile (Nees) Boeck., L. longitudinale Labill. and L. squamatum Labill., as well as notes about these species.

A new species of Monotoca (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae) from the south coast of Western Australia

CHAPMAN, A.R., Nuytsia 22 (5): 323–328 (2012)

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A new species, Monotoca aristata A.R. Chapman from the west of Fitzgerald River National Park is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from all other Monotoca species by the thick, aristate, linear-lanceolate leaves, with conspicuous veins on the abaxial surface. It is now the only representative of this genus in Western Australia.

Solanum albostellatum (Solanaceae), a new species from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia

DAVIS, R.W. AND HURTER, P.J.H., Nuytsia 22 (5): 329–334 (2012)

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Solanum albostellatum R.W.Davis & P.J.H.Hurter has recently been discovered and is formally described. The new species is morphologically similar to S. oldfieldii F.Muell. and S. esuriale Lindl. Solanum albostellatum inhabits cracking clay environments extending from Millstream Chichester National Park to the Hamersley Range, west of Newman. An amendment to the Flora of Australia key for Solanum to account for S. albostellatum is included, as is a table summarising the similarities and differences between S. albostellatum and the most similar taxa.

Ptilotus christineae is synonymous with the previously Presumed Extinct taxon P. pyramidatus

DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 22 (5): 335 (2012)

While curating the Ptilotus R.Br. collection at the Western Australian Herbarium, I came across a small line drawing of the Presumed Extinct species P. pyramidatus (Moq.) F.Muell. This name is based on a Drummond collection of unknown provenance. It was immediately clear from the habit depicted that it could represent an earlier name for the recently published P. christineae R.W.Davis & Tauss. Subsequent examination of type material confirmed that P. pyramidatus is conspecific with P. christineae and the latter name must therefore be reduced to synonymy. The specimens collected in Perth in late 2010, which formed the basis for the description of P. christineae, represent the first collections of P. pyramidatus for more than 160 years.

A newly discovered population at Cape Le Grand supports Lucky Bay as the type locality of Banksia plumosa (Proteaceae)

MARKEY, A.S., Nuytsia 22 (5): 337–340 (2012)

The type gathering of Banksia plumosa (R.Br.) A.R.Mast & K.R.Thiele was collected by Robert Brown from Bay 1 (Lucky Bay, c. 35 km east of Esperance) in January 1802 (Figure 1). Over the following two centuries, further collections of this species have been made in an area from the Stirling Range and Albany eastwards to the Fitzgerald River (Western Australian Herbarium 1998–). However, B. plumosa has not been recorded again from any area east of Bremer Bay. George (1999) concluded that the type locality was in error, and that the more likely type location was in the Albany district (King George Sound), where Brown collected from late December 1801 to early January 1802 (Vallance et al. 1993).