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Swan Weeds
List of Weeds

This page contains a list of all taxa included in the Swan Weeds Database.

Displaying records 1–20 of 372
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Agapanthaceae F.Voigt
Gesch.Pfl.-Reichs. 2:440 (1850)
Agapanthus L'Hér.
Sert.Angl. 10 (1789)
Agapanthus praecox Willd.
Enum.Pl.Hort.Berol. 353 (1809)
Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight.
J.S.African Bot. Suppl.4:21 (1965)
Aizoaceae Martinov
Tekhno-Bot.Slovar 15 (1820)
Carpobrotus N.E.Br.
Gard.Chron. p433 en clavi. (1925)
Carpobrotus aequilaterus (Haw.) N.E.Br.
Angular Pigface J.Bot. 66:324 (1928)
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br.
Hottentot Fig Gen.S.Afr.Fl.Pl. 249 (1926)
Mesembryanthemum L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:480 (1753)
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
Iceplant Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 1:480-481 (1753)
Alliaceae Borkh.
Bot.Wörterb. 1:15 (1797)
Allium L.
Sp.Pl. 2:294 (1753)
Allium triquetrum L.
Three-cornered Garlic Sp.Pl. 1:300 (1753)
Ipheion Raf.
Fl.Tellur. 3:12 (1837)
Ipheion uniflorum (Graham) Raf.
Fl.Tellur. 2:12 (1837)
Nothoscordum Kunth
Enum.Pl. p457 (1843)
Nothoscordum gracile (Aiton) Stearn
Taxon 35:338 (1986)
Amaranthaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. 87-88 (1789)
Alternanthera Forssk.
Fl.Aegypt.-Arab. 28 (1775)
Alternanthera pungens Kunth
Khaki Weed Nov.Gen.Sp.Pl. 2:206 (1818)
Celosia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:205 (1753)
Celosia argentea L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 205 (1753)
Amaryllidaceae J.St.-Hil.
Expos.Fam.Nat. 1:134 (1805)
Amaryllis L.
Sp.Pl. 2:292 (1753)
Amaryllis belladonna L.
Belladonna Lily Sp.Pl. 1:293 (1753)
Crinum L.
Sp.Pl. 2:291 (1753)
Crinum moorei Hook.f.
Bot.Mag. 100,Tab.6113 (1874)
Narcissus L.
Sp.Pl. 2:289 (1753)
Narcissus papyraceus Ker Gawl.
Bot.Mag. 24,Tab.947 (1806)
Narcissus tazetta L.
Jonquil Sp.Pl. 1:290 (1753)
Anacardiaceae R.Br.
Narr.Exped.Zaire 431 (1818)
Schinus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 1:388 (1753)
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi
Mem.Mat.Fis.Soc.Ital.Sci.Modena,Pt.Mem.Fis. 18:399 (1820)
Apiaceae Lindl.
Intr.Nat.Syst.Bot. Ed. 2, 21 (1836)
Foeniculum Mill.
Gard.Dict. 3:. (1754)
Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
Fennel Gard.Dict. edn 8 (1768)
Apocynaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 143-144 (1763)
Gomphocarpus R.Br.
Asclepiadeae 37 (1810)
Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) W.T.Aiton
Narrowleaf Cottonbush Hort.Kew. edn 2, 2:80 (1811)
Vinca L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:209 (1753)
Vinca major L.
Blue Periwinkle Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 1:209 (1753)
Araceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 23 (1789)
Colocasia Schott
Melet.Bot. 18 (1832)
Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott
Taro Melet.Bot. 18 (1832)
Zantedeschia Spreng.
Syst.Veg. 3:756, 765 (1826)
Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.
Arum Lily Syst.Veg. 3:765 (1826)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.