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Displaying records 1–20 of 35 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 15 2005
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Droseraceae Salisb.
Parad.Lond. pt.95 (1808)
Drosera L.
Sp.Pl. 2:218 (1753)
Drosera prostrata (N.G.Marchant & Lowrie) Lowrie
Nuytsia 15:374-376, Fig.6 (2005)
Drosera rupicola (N.G.Marchant) Lowrie
Nuytsia 15:382 (2005)
Ericaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 159 (1789)
Brachyloma Sond.
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 1(4):304 (1845)
Brachyloma delbi Cranfield
Nuytsia 15:333-334, Fig. 1a-c (2005)
Brachyloma mogin Cranfield
Nuytsia 15:335, Fig. 1 e-g (2005)
Goodeniaceae R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 573 (1810)
Goodenia Sm.
Spec.Bot.New Holland 15 (1793)
Goodenia pedicellata L.W.Sage & K.W.Dixon
Nuytsia 15:513-516, Fig. 1 (2005)
Haloragaceae R.Br.
Voy.Terra Austral. 2:549 (1814)
Haloragis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Char.Gen.Pl. p61, t. 31. (1775)
Haloragis gossei var. inflata Orchard
Nuytsia 15:438-439, Fig. 1c (2005)
Haloragis maierae Orchard
Nuytsia 15:434-438, Fig. 1a-b (2005)
Lamiaceae Martinov
Tekhno-Bot.Slovar 355 (1820)
Dicrastylis Harv.
Hooker's J.Bot.Kew Gard.Misc. 7:56 (1855)
Dicrastylis globiflora (Endl.) Rye
Nuytsia 15:450 (2005)
Dicrastylis rugosifolia (Munir) Rye
Nuytsia 15:451 (2005)
Malvaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 271 (1789)
Rulingia R.Br.
Curtis's Bot.Mag. 48, Tab.2191 (1821)
Rulingia borealis (E.Pritz.) C.F.Wilkins
Nuytsia 15:518 (2005)
Myrtaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 322 (1789)
Astus Trudgen & Rye
Nuytsia 15(3):498-503, Figs 1,2 (2005)
Astus duomilia Trudgen & Rye
Nuytsia 15:504-505 (2005)
Astus duomilius Trudgen & Rye
Nuytsia 15:504-505 (2005)
Astus subroseus Trudgen & Rye
Nuytsia 15:505-507, Fig. 2a-f (2005)
Astus tetragonus (Benth.) Trudgen & Rye
Nuytsia 15:508, Fig. 2g-k (2005)
Astus wittweri Trudgen & Rye
Nuytsia 15:509-511, Fig. 2l-p (2005)
Eucalyptus L'Hér.
Sert.Angl. (1789)
Eucalyptus alipes (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) D.Nicolle & Brooker
Hyden Mallet Nuytsia 15:412 (2005)
Eucalyptus orthostemon D.Nicolle & Brooker
Diverse Mallee Nuytsia 15:409-412 (2005)
Eucalyptus proxima D.Nicolle & Brooker
Nodding Mallee Nuytsia 15:423-424 (2005)
Eucalyptus sargentii subsp. onesia D.Nicolle
Nuytsia 15:398-399 (2005)

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