An horticulturally attractive hybrid between Eucalyptus tetraptera Turcz. and Eucalyptus stoatei C. Gardner from near Jerdacuttup, Western Australia, is described. It is proposed this be named Eucalyptus x stoataptera E.M. Bennett.
Eucalyptus series Preissianae (Myrtaceae), a new series of Western Australian eucalypts and the description of a new subspecies in the series
BROOKER, M.I.H. AND SLEE, A.V., Nuytsia10 (1): 7–13 (1995)
A new taxon, Eucalyptus ser. Preissianae, comprising subser. Pluriloculares Blakely and Glandulares Blakely, and a new taxon, E. preissiana subsp. lobata are described, accompanied by illustrations and a distribution map.
Acacia Miscellany 10. New taxa and notes on previously described taxa of Acacia, mostly section Juliflorae (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae), in Western Australia
COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia10 (1): 15–62 (1995)
Coincident to clarifying the delimitation of several species described earlier, 20 new Western Australian taxa are proposed and one new combination made: A. ampliata Cowan & Maslin (related to A. jamesiana Maslin), A. coolgardiensis subsp. effusa Cowan & Maslin and subsp. latior Cowan & Maslin, A. cuthbertsonii subsp. linearis Cowan & Maslin, A. cylindrica Cowan & Maslin (related to A. heteroneura Benth.), A. demissa Cowan & Maslin (related to A. quadrimarginea F. Muell.), A. desertorum subsp. nudipes Cowan & Maslin, A. epedunculata Cowan & Maslin (related to A. heteroneura Benth.), A. gibbosa Cowan & Maslin (tenuously related to A. websteri Maiden & Blakely), A. heteroneura var. petila Cowan & Maslin, var. prolixa Cowan & Maslin and var. jutsonii (Maiden) Cowan & Maslin, comb. et stat. nov. (based on A. jutsonii Maiden), A. incongesta Cowan & Maslin (related to A. neurophylla W. Fitzg.), A. levata Cowan & Maslin (related to A. cuthbertsonii Luehm.), A. neurophylla subsp. erugata Cowan & Maslin, A. oncinophylla subsp. patulifolia Cowan & Maslin, A. repanda Cowan & Maslin (related to A. ephedroides Benth.), A. singula Cowan & Maslin (related to A. multispicata Benth.), A. stereophylla var. cylindrata Cowan & Maslin, A. xanthocarpa Cowan & Maslin (of unknown affinity), and A. yorkrakinensis subsp. acrita Cowan & Maslin. In addition, lectotypifications are recorded for the following names: A. coolgardiensis Maiden, A. ephedroides Benth., _A. jutsoni_i Maiden, A. multispicata Benth., and A. sessilispica Maiden & Blakely.
Acacia Miscellany 11. Miscellaneous taxa of northern and eastern Australia of Acacia section Plurinerves (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae)
COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia10 (1): 63–84 (1995)
Two new species (A. kenneallyi Cowan & Maslin and A. manipularis Cowan & Maslin) and one new subspecies (A. retivenea F. Muell. subsp. clandestina Cowan & Maslin) are described. Acacia lanigera Cunn. is distinguished from A. venulosa Benth. and is viewed as comprising three varieties, var. lanigera, var. gracilipes Benth. and var. whanii (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Pescott (syn. A. whanii F. Muell. ex Benth.). In addition, lectotypes for several taxa are designated herein: A. subporosa var. linearis Benth. (the base name for A. cognata Domin), A. excelsa Benth., A. hemignosta F. Muell., A. lanigera Cunn., A. lanigera var. gracilipes Benth., A. leucophylla Lindley (= A. pendula Cunn. ex Don), A. praelongata F. Muell., A. subporosa F. Muell., and A. trinervata var. brevifolia. A note concerning the binomial A. sericata Cunn. ex Benth. is also included and discussions are presented concerning A. farinosa Lindley, A. latescens Benth. and A. trinervata Sieber ex DC.
Acacia Miscellany 12. Acacia myrtifolia (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : section Phyllodineae) and its allies in Western Australia
Five new species and one new subspecies of Acacia from Western Australia are described, namely, A. clydonophora Maslin, A. disticha Maslin, A. durabilis Maslin, A. heterochroa Maslin (comprising subsp. heterochroa and subsp. robertii Maslin) and A. pygmaea Maslin. These taxa, together with four previously described species, A. celastrifolia Benth., A. myrtifolia, A. nervosa DC. and A. obovata Benth. comprise the informal "Acacia myrtifolia Group". A key to the species of this Group is presented. Brief notes on the variation in the Western Australian populations of A. myrtifolia are given. Acacia pawlikowskyana Ohlend. is treated as a synonym of A. myrtifolia (this name was formerly treated as a synonym of A. celastrifolia). Acacia acutifolia Maiden & Blakely is also regarded as conspecific with A. myrtifolia; it is likely that the type information published by Maiden and Blakely for this name was erroneous.
Alyxia tetanifolia (Apocynaceae), a new species from south west Australia
A new species endemic to the Austin Botanical district of the Eremaean Botanical Province of Western Australia, namely A. tetanifolia, is described, illustrated and mapped. A key to Western Australian species of Alyxia is provided.
Robert Brown, the typification of his new Acacia names in edition 2 of Aiton’s ‘Hortus kewensis’
MASLIN, B.R. AND COWAN, R.S., Nuytsia10 (1): 107–118 (1995)
Robert Brown published nine new species of Acacia in W.T. Aiton’s second edition of "Hortus Kewensis". In the past, typification of these species has presented problems for two main reasons. Firstly, there were uncertainties regarding the material on which they were based, i.e. Brown’s "wild" gatherings from Australia between 1801 and 1805, and/or from plants in cultivation in England. Secondly, it appears that there are no cultivated specimens extant which can be regarded as type material. There is, however, a collection by William McNab, a gardener at Kew, who made specimens of Brown’s Acacia species from cultivated plants at Kew between 1806 and 1809; this collection is curated by the National Herbarium at Dublin (DBN). The following Brown species names are here lectotypified on the basis of Brown’s "wild" material: A. alata, A. biflora, A. marginata (=A. myrtifolia), A. melanoxylon, A. pulchella and A. sulcata; a neotype for A. acicularis (=A. brownii) has been chosen from Brown’s "wild" collections while A. armata is neotypified on a cultivated plant in the William McNab collection at DBN. One species, A. ciliata (= A. browniana var.browniana), had been neotypified in a previous paper.
New and priority taxa in the genera Spyridium and Trymalium (Rhamnaceae) of Western Australia
The following new Rhamnaceae taxa are described and illustrated: Spyridium glaucum Rye, S. minutum Rye, S. montanum Rye, S. mucronatum Rye, S. mucronatum subsp. multiflorum Rye, S. mucronatum subsp. recurvum Rye, S. riparium Rye, Trymalium densiflorum Rye, T. elachophyllum Rye, T. floribundum subsp. trifidum Rye, T. ledifolium var. lineare Rye and T. venustum Rye. Half of these taxa are presently included on the Priority Flora List. Other species of Spyridium and Trymalium on this conservation priority list are also illustrated and two new combinations are made, namely Spyridium majoranifolium (Fenzl) Rye and Spyridium polycephalum (Turcz.) Rye.
Two new species of Tetratheca (Tremandraceae), from the Coolgardie and Austin Botanical Districs, Western Australia
Two new species of Tetratheca (Tremandraceae), T. chapmanii, endemic to the Carnarvon Range in the Austin Botanical District, Eremaean Province and T. paynterae, endemic to one small range of hills north of Bullfinch in the Coolgardie Botanical District, South-Western Interzone, are described and illustrated. A key and a table of differences are provided to facilitate recognition of the two newly described species and the morphologically-similar species T. aphylla and T. halmaturina.
Acacia Miscellany 13. Taxonomy of some Western Australian phyllocladinous and aphyllodinous taxa (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae)
Descriptions are provided for eleven endemic Western Australian species of Acacia characterized by phyllodes which are either decurrent on the stems and forming prominent opposite wings, or which are reduced to scales or minute, horn-like projections. Seven new species and two new infraspecific taxa of Acacia are described, namely, A. aemula Maslin which comprises two subspecies, subsp. aemula and subsp. muricata Maslin (syn. A. tetragonocarpa var. scabra Benth.), A. alata var. tetrantha Maslin, A. applanata Maslin, A. bifaria Maslin, A. carens Maslin, A. cerastes Maslin, A. cummingiana Maslin and A. pterocaulon Maslin. The taxonomy of A. alata R. Br. Is briefly assessed and the species is now viewed as comprising four varieties, namely, var. alata, var. biglandulosa Benth., var. platyptera (Lindl.) Meisn. and var. tetrantha Maslin. A description is provided for A. volubilis F. Muell.; this species is possibly extinct and seems related to A. aemula. Acacia glaucoptera Benth., a close relative of A. bifaria, and A. willdenowiana H. Wendl. (based on A. diptera Lindl.), a closerelative of A. applanata, are lectotypified.
Acacia Miscellany 14. Taxonomy of some Western Australian “Uninerves-Racemosae” species (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : section Phyllodineae)
Eight new species of Acacia section Phyllodineae from Western Australia are described, namely, A. anthochaera Maslin, A. brumalis Maslin_, A. chamaeleon_ Maslin (syn: A. stowardii S. Moore non Maiden, and provisionally A. leiophylla var. microcephala Meissner), A. dorsenna Maslin, A. gelasina Maslin_, A. scleroclada_ Maslin, A. subrigida Maslin and A. wilcoxii Maslin. Lectotypes are selected for A. stowardii S. Moore, A. harveyi Benth. and A. leptopetala Benth. The ten species included in the paper have racemose inflorescences and are referable to series Uninerves subseries Racemosae as defined by Bentham (1864)
Acacia Miscellany 15. Five groups of microneurous species of Acacia (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : section Plurinerves), mostly from Western Australia
COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia10 (2): 205–254 (1995)
Five informal groupings of new and previously described species are reviewed, including a key to the taxa of each group and descriptions or re-descriptions of each taxon. The "A. densiflora Group" includes A. densiflora Morrison, A. eremophila W. Fitzg. and A. mackeyana Ewart & Jean White in addition to the following new taxa: A. dissona R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. dissona var. indoloria R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. hadrophylla R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. kalgoorliensis R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. papulosa R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. undosa R.S. Cowan & Maslin. The "A. ancistrophylla Group" comprises two new species (A. amyctica R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. whibleyana R.S. Cowan & Maslin), in addition to A. ancistrophylla C.R.P. Andrews which is treated here as consisting of three varieties (the typical variety, var. perarcuata R.S. Cowan & Maslin, var. nov. and var. lissophylla (J.M. Black) R.S. Cowan & Maslin). The "A. enervia Group" is made up of A. enervia Maiden & Blakely with two subspecies (the typical subspecies and subsp. explicata R.S. Cowan & Maslin_), A. lineolata_ Benth. with two subspecies (the typical one and subsp. multilineata (W. Fitzg.) R.S. Cowan & Maslin, comb. et stat. nov.) and A. inceana Domin with two subspecies (the typical one and subsp. conformis R.S. Cowan & Maslin). The "A. fragilis Group" includes three new species (A. aulacophylla R.S. Cowan & Maslin_, A. consanguinea_ R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. ophiolithica R.S. Cowan & Maslin) in addition to A. assimilis S. Moore with two subspecies (subsp. assimilis and subsp. atroviridis R.S. Cowan & Maslin, subsp. nov.), A. fragilis Maiden & Blakely and A. uncinella Benth. Finally, the "A. dielsii Group" comprises two new species (A. nivea R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. obesa R.S. Cowan & Maslin) in addition to A. dielsii E. Pritz. itself. Selection of lectotypes is recorded for the following taxa: A. eremophila W. Fitzg. var. variabilis Maiden & Blakely, A. ancistrophylla C.R.P. Andrews var. lissophylla (J.M. Black) R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. lineolata Benth., A. mackeyana Ewart & Jean White and A. assimilis S. Moore.
New and priority taxa in the genera Cryptandra and Stenanthemum (Rhamnaceae) of Western Australia
The genus Stenanthemum is reinstated, with two new combinations: Stenanthemum complicatum (F. Muell.) Rye and S. divaricatum (Benth.) Rye. The following new Rhamnaceae taxa, some of which have conservation significance, are described and illustrated: Cryptandra apetala var. anomala Rye, C. arbutiflora var. borealis Rye, C. arbutiflora var. intermedia Rye, C. arbutiflora var. pygmaea Rye, C. aridicola Rye, C. congesta Rye, C. distigma Rye, C. graniticola Rye,C. intonsa Rye, C. minutifolia Rye, C. minutifolia subsp. brevistyla Rye, C. nola Rye, C. polyclada subsp. aequabilis Rye, C. recurva Rye, C. wilsonii Rye, Stenanthemum bilobum Rye, S. cristatum Rye, S. emarginatum Rye, S. intricatum Rye, S. limitatum Rye, S. mediale Rye, S. nanum Rye, S. newbeyii Rye, S. notiale Rye, S. notiale subsp. chamelum Rye, S. petraeum Rye, S. poicilum Rye, S. reissekii Rye and S. stipulosum Rye. A few additional species of Cryptandra and Stenanthemum that are presently included on the Priority Flora List are also illustrated.
Cryptandra monticola (Rhamnaceae), a new species from the Pilbara region of Western Australia
RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia10 (2): 307–310 (1995)
In preparation for an account in Volume 17 of the "Flora of Australia", new taxa (10 series, 29 species, 24 subspecies, 10 varieties) and a new infrageneric classification are presented. Twelve new combinations are made. A number of previously-published names are lecto- or neotypified. The work is based on classical taxonomic methods. The genus now consists of three subgenera, 24 series, 92 species and 36 infrageneric taxa. Keys to all taxa are given. The conservation status is given for each taxon treated; some are very restricted and two almost extinct in the wild.
A reassessment of Prasophyllum gracile and P. macrostachyum (Orchidaceae), with the description of P. paulinae, a new species from south-west Western Australia
JONES, DAVID L. AND CLEMENTS, MARK A., Nuytsia10 (3): 409–418 (1996)
The taxonomic status of the Australian orchid Prasophyllum gracile Lindl. is clarified after a critical examination of the holotype. A rare new species, Prasophyllum paulinae, closely related to P. macrostachyum R. Br., is described from a restricted area in the south-west of Western Australia.
Drosera kenneallyi (Droseraceae), a new tropical species of carnivorous plant from the Kimberley, northern Western Australia
A new species, Drosera kenneallyi (Droseraceae), is described from tropical northern Western Australia. The features that distinguish this taxon from its nearest relatives are presented, with growth adaptations and habitat preferences indicated.
Stylidium fimbriatum (Stylidaceae), a new tropical species of triggerplant from the Kimberley, Western Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia10 (3): 425–427 (1996)
A new species of Stylidium (Stylidiaceae) from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, S. fimbriatum Lowrie & Kenneally, is described and illustrated.
Wurmbea saccata (Colchicaceae), a lepidopteran-pollinated new species from Western Australia
MACFARLANE, T.D. AND VAN LEEUWEN, S., Nuytsia10 (3): 429–435 (1996)
Wurmbea saccata is described as new and illustrated with drawings and a photograph. It occurs in an apparently limited area of the remote Barlee Range Nature Reserve, south east of Onslow, Western Australia. The tepal nectaries are concealed in pouches formed by the lower part of each tepal and its adjacent staminal filament, a feature unique in the genus. The plants are commonly visited by unidentified day-flying lepidoptera. The new species is closely related to W. densiflora (Benth.) T.D. Macfarlane.
Eucalyptus semota (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Ashburton District of Western Australia
MACPHERSON, C.J. AND GRAYLING, P.M., Nuytsia10 (3): 437–441 (1996)
A new species is described from a few populations near Marymia Hill, north-east of Meekatharra. It is related to Eucalyptus blaxellii L.A.S. Johnson & K.D. Hill, from which it differs mainly in habit, bark and juvenile leaf morphology.
Acacia thomsonii (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : Acacia section Juliflorae), a new species from the tropical dry zone of Australia
MASLIN, B.R. AND MCDONALD, M.W., Nuytsia10 (3): 443–449 (1996)
Acacia thomsonii Maslin & M.W. McDonald, a new species with seed that has potential as a human food resource, is described and illustrated. It is discontinuous within the tropical dry zone of Australia, extending from northeast Western Australia, through Northern Territory to northwest Queensland. In the past A. thomsonii was confused with A. cowleana Tate but is most closely allied to A. colei Maslin & L.A.J. Thomson.
Granitites, a new genus of Rhamnaceae from the south-west of Western Australia
Granitites, a new monotypic genus in the family Rhamnaceae, is described. It is restricted to granite outcrops in the south-west of Western Australia but has a number of characteristics in common with tropical members of the family.
Tetragonia coronata, a new species of Aizoaceae from Western Australia
RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia10 (3): 459–462 (1996)
A new species, Tetragonia coronata Rye & Trudgen, is described and illustrated. It is restricted to a small area in the vicinity of Hamelin Station, near Shark Bay and is the rarest of the seven species of Tetragonia native to Western Australia.
Update to the informal names used in ‘Flora of the Perth Region’
CURRY, S. AND CHAPMAN, A.R., Nuytsia10 (3): 463–464 (1996)